Middle East, 10-3-2015-
Dear Sir or Ma'am,I would like to extend my deepest thanks to SupportOurTroops.Org, and if you could please pass on my unit's regards to everyone who makes your organization's day to day operations possible. I am very grateful that a group like yours exists and is able to make the impact you do in helping units out often unknowing.
SupportOurTroops.Org truly makes a difference and is the unseen backbone to supporting military personnel around the world.I am currently deployed to the Middle East along with 36 other personnel in my section. I am assigned to an Aerial Port Flight and we are responsible for the movement of cargo and passenger throughout the US Central Command's Area of Responsibility. Our mission is to ensure that all down range personnel receive the life sustaining equipment and supplies that they need it, when they need it. In this capacity we are supporting Operations ENDURING FREEDOM, INHERENT RESOLVE AND FREEDOM SENTINEL. While supporting these operations we are working in an austere environment we burn through a lot of both our protective gear and sanitary gear such as toiletries, face wipes etc, which are vital for how sweaty and dusty we get while out here. The reason for this e-mail, aside from thanking Americans for their support to my brothers and sisters across the globe,is to inquire if there is any way you could assist us in sending any supplies that I previously mentioned such as face wipes, tp, etc, to help my fellow Airmen out here. Best Regards and God Bless,~~ James ----
U.S. Soldiers Kneel in Prayer for Wounded SoldierYou can help fill this request and many others like by joining the Patriot Brigade and giving $19 per month through SOT's donations page.
About Support Our Troops
Support Our Troops® is America’s Military Charity. We enhance the morale & well-being of the troops and their families worldwide. Our programs provide millions of dollars’ worth of care goods and services including family assistance, kid’s camp assistance, positive public support and more at hundreds of locations around the globe.