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America's Military Charity® 501(c)(3)
2023 Goods and Services Delivered $41,327,388
2023 Overhead: Less than 5%
Donate Today

The bridge between you and America’s troops


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America's Military Charity® 501(c)(3)
2023 Goods and Services Delivered $41,327,388
2023 Overhead: Less than 5%
Donate Today

Providing assistance to and promoting support
for America’s troops and their families

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America's Military Charity® 501(c)(3)
2023 Goods and Services Delivered $41,327,388
2023 Overhead: Less than 5%
Donate Today

You get it to us. We get it to them.

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Thank you for sticking up for the troops and their families!
Your Donations DO make a difference to help boost soldier
morale, and helping ensure our troops feel the support.


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Thank you for sticking up for the troops and their families!
Your Donations DO make a difference to help boost soldier
morale, and helping ensure our troops feel the support.


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Thank you for sticking up for the troops and their families!
Your Donations DO make a difference to help boost soldier
morale, and helping ensure our troops feel the support.


Insurance-Related Items

You can ensure that freedom continues to ring, by naming Support Our Troops, Inc. as the beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance plan, annuity, or retirement plan.

Ship to:

Support Our Troops, Inc.PO Box 70
Daytona Beach, FL 32115
TIN# 33-1112829

If you have any questions, give us a call at 877-879-8882 or use our contact form.

“America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand." ~~ Harry S. Truman

“Whatever America hopes to bring to pass in this world must first come to pass in the heart of America.”  ~~ Dwight D. Eisenhower

Life Insurance

If time has diminished or alleviated your need for life insurance, naming Support Our Troops, a beneficiary of all, or a percentage of, your existing life insurance policy is an easy way to make an estate gift and establish your legacy.

This is a low-cost option, and your premium payments may be tax-deductible.  For the insurance policy payments to be tax-deductible just name Support Our Troops, Inc., TIN 33-1112829, as the owner and beneficiary of the insurance policy.

All you need to do is ask the life insurance company for a change of beneficiary form and simply name Support Our Troops, Inc. as your primary or contingent beneficiary.  Insurance can take many forms including term, whole, interests for life or terms of years, remainders, and reversions.

It is helpful if you let us know this has been done.

Retirement Plans

Many of us have diligently saved for retirement through various tax deferred retirement plans. IRA, SEP IRA, SIMPLE IRA, 401(k), 457, 403(b)/TSA, etc., the list of tax deferred retirement plans goes on and on. Although each has its own unique rules, they share one very unattractive feature: they are subject to both estate and income taxation at death. In a worst-case scenario, this double taxation can have the negative effect of reducing the amount that your beneficiary may actually receive by up to 70%.  For example, from a retirement account that was valued at $1,000,000 prior to death, the government could take up to $800,000 in estate and income taxes while your beneficiary would receive only $200,000.

Because a vast majority of your retirement plan assets might be taken by the government in the form of taxes, your best option may be to leave your retirement plan assets to a charity upon your death. By naming Support Our Troops, a beneficiary of all, or a percentage of, your retirement plan assets, you will have the comfort of knowing that all the retirement assets you decide to leave to Support Our Troops, Inc. will be used to protect and preserve America’s freedom and values so that present and future generations will have the opportunity to enjoy Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

All you have to do is ask the custodian or retirement plan administrator for a change of beneficiary form and simply name Support Our Troops, Inc. as your primary or contingent beneficiary.

It is helpful if you let us know this has been done.


Annuities can be great retirement savings vehicles that, just like your retirement plan accounts, have enjoyed years of tax-deferred growth. Unfortunately, just like your retirement plan accounts, your annuity investments are subject to both estate and income taxation at death.

Here again, because a vast majority of your annuity investments might be taken by the government in taxes, the best option for you may be to leave your annuity investments to a charity upon your death. By naming Support Our Troops, Inc. as a beneficiary of all or a percentage of your annuity investments, you will have the comfort of knowing that your legacy of love for America will be established in perpetuity.

All you need to do is ask the annuity company for a change of beneficiary form and simply name Support Our Troops, your primary or contingent beneficiary.

It is helpful if you let us know this has been done.

Let freedom continue to ring!

  • Support Our Troops, Inc. TIN#33-1112829
  • Your donation is tax deductible. A proper receipt will be emailed to you
  • Your donation supports the programs and operations of SupportOurTroops.Org worldwide. SOT serves America’s troops wherever they are stationed. If they’re there, we’re with them®
  • If you have made an error in or change your mind about contributing SOT will honor your email refund or correction request made within ten days of the transaction using the original payment method.
  • Uniform Charity Disclosure