OCONUS, Undisclosed, (January 2025): Thank you so much for the generous packages of goodies!!! It brought such joy to the soldiers when they received them. The snacks were gone within thirty minutes and it was the highlight of our day. Your toughfullness has been uch a moral boost for the "Ice Cubes" and we cannot thank you enough. Thank you for your support and Merry Christmas.
~Ice Company
Washington, D.C. (February 3, 2025): Due to their discipline and precision, the Silent Drill Platoon is the personification of Marine Corps excellence. The Platoon is a twenty-four-person drill team that conducts dazzling performances for audiences around the country. So, how do you become a member of such a storied unit? In this photo by Lance Corporal Christopher Prelle, the newest members of this elite group pose for a photo after the culmination of Silent Drill Selection. Candidates must pass a six-week course on advanced drill and ceremony and also train at Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona to perfect their routines. After the grueling physical training and countless hours spent perfecting the art of military drill, these Marines will earn their “black shirts” and a spot in this elite tradition.
The platoon is known for its unique exhibition involving the precise handling of weapons. In a remarkable display of exactness, members execute a series of calculated drill movements with hand-polished, M-1 Garand rifles with fixed bayonets. The routine concludes with a striking rifle inspection sequence demonstrating elaborate rifle spins and tosses.
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Who are we? We are you -- the individual Americans who want to do good things for their troops. SupportOurTroops.Org is a 501(c)(3) public purpose charity through which Americans strengthen the morale...
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (January 26, 2025): Fort Campbell Soldiers departed today en route to the U.S. southern border, in support of U.S. Northern Command’s mission to protect the territorial integrity of the United States.
Soldiers assigned to the 716th Military Police Battalion, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) will integrate with military forces already along the border and work together with the Department of Homeland Security and Customs and Border Protection.