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Your generous, tax deductible gift supports the morale and well-being of America’s troops and their families worldwide. Let’s make the troops as proud of us as we are of them!
Patriot Brigade®
- Recurring monthly donation
- Supports service members and their families worldwide.

American Allegiance™
- One time donation
- Supports service members and their families worldwide

The Light Brigade™
- $5 Recurring Monthly Donation
- Supports service members and their families worldwide.

- Support Our Troops, Inc. TIN#33-1112829
- Your donation is tax deductible. A proper receipt will be emailed to you
- Your donation supports the programs and operations of SupportOurTroops.Org worldwide. SOT serves America’s troops wherever they are stationed. If they’re there, we’re with them®
- If you have made an error in or change your mind about contributing SOT will honor your email refund or correction request made within ten days of the transaction using the original payment method.
- Uniform Charity Disclosure