Just wanted to send you a Happy New Year message & thank you for all you are doing for our country & the people of the world. Keep up the good work & may God bless you.~~Judy ------,MSG Ricky H. ------, Elkhart, Ind.
Dear soldier, We want to thank you for your effort under very harsh conditions to defend us and liberty against people with no conscious and no heart. This is not the first time our country fights alone nor is it the last time just remember victory has many father defeat has none. May God protect you and bless you for all eternity because you are the pride of America and a loving child of our nation,I wish I can hug you and tell you all this in person my dear soldier. ~~Army, L.A, Calif.
Thank you to all of you for defending our position and our country, now it's time to come home safely... ALL OF YOU... BECAUSE WE CARE. GOD BLESS AND STAY SAFE. ~~Donna ------, Morganton, N.C.
Dear Soldier, A philosophy of life gives our life a meaning to make sense of it all however you must be the author of this philosophy I'll start with this story which might help and if not make up your own.The story is told that the wise King Solomon commissioned a jewler to make for him a magic ring that would cheer him when he was down and sober him when he got too happy.The jewler came up with such a ring:engraved on was 'This too shell pass'.Knowing that most storms pass is an attitude that enables people to cope with life's difficulties. God bless you and may you grow stronger and stronger each day of your life. ~~Army, L.A, Calif.
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