February 10, 2009- The troops are always writing thanking us for the care packages we send them. The best care packages we send over are those that come to us from our fellow average folks across America. It's average folks who are deployed, and it's average folks who are doing the bulk of good for them.
We're just helping to get it done. So here are some of the beautiful people in different states who have spent their time and money to do something wonderful for absolute strangers -- whom they respect and care about very deeply. The picture quality isn't great because they're scans of digital pictures included in the care packages so the troops know who is looking out for them, but you get the point. May God Bless them, and may God Bless each and every one of our amazing troops.
Just look at their faces. These are America's true "beautiful people." Don't you wish you knew people like this? Well you do. They're all around you. And by the way -- just look in the mirror. If you weren't one of them, you wouldn't be reading this.
You too can be a hero to the troops! Just follow the instructions for Care Packages on the front page of our website.