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Guest Article / Commentary / Editorial
From SupportOurTroops.Org
By Martin Boire, CEO

It’s the 4th of July weekend! Let’s all go out and celebrate our liberty, and while we do let’s each take note that it’s the troops who gained it for us in the American Revolution and protect it for us today.

So let’s celebrate the 4th of July by honoring the troops.

In fact, many say the red in our flag stands for the blood it takes to have our freedom, to rebuff the dark forces always trying to take it from us.

The Russian butchery in Ukraine, and the Chinese chaff attacks on unarmed allied patrol planes in the South China Sea, show a storm is coming and make clear the never-ending price of being free.

Over 90% of we Americans have never served in the uniformed military. As CEO of SupportOurTroops.Org, I am one of them, representative of the rest. And on behalf of all of us whom the troops protect, I thank them.

Just like George Washington and the Continental Army, our neighbors even today enlist, deploy, and leave their families at home to go around the world to many different places to look out for our liberties, livelihoods, and businesses.

To my fellow civilians I posit the following question: Your neighbor leaves his family to go off and protect your family; morally what should you do for his family? For her family?

Do we leave them to it alone? Of course not. We’re Americans. And so no matter where the troops are ordered to go, good Americans always stick up for the folks who stick up for them.

What, then, should we do for him, for her? Why, we step up for them the way they have stepped up for all of us of course. That’s what Americans do. We show them what we are made of. We show them we’re with them. That we’re worth protecting. That we are willing to stand with them who stand for us. Isn’t it time to show them how much we all care?

As CEO of Support Our Troops® I see daily the needs of the troops and their stalwart families. And I daily witness the outpouring wonder of American individuals and groups who have such affection and appreciation for their troops.

We should all work to make the troops as proud of us as we are of them. Individual citizens are doing remarkable things for them all across this country. Major companies should do a great deal more, since they prosper within the domestic tranquility secured by the troops. Each of us can answer this call to excellence in the way we best can.

We civilians need to make ourselves more worthy of the burden our neighbors bear for us. It is impossible to do enough for these amazing people. We need to show them we are worthy of their actions. That we will take the domestic freedom they preserve for us and make something yet grander of this National American Family.

Now is the time for all good citizens to come to the aid of their troops and their families! The load which the troops and their families carry is our load. They carry it for us. The time is right to stand for those who stand for all of us. To carry the load with them. To form a new bond with our fellows who serve in the military and protect us and our families. To look out for them and their families the way they looking out for all of us. Real men and women do not build themselves up upon the backs of their fellows. Good townsfolk do not leave their sheriff out in the street alone. They stand with him, they stand together.

So let’s celebrate the 4th of July this year by honoring the troops and renewing our moral covenant with them.

This Independence Day let’s each commit to personally do something tangible for the amazing men and women who protect our independence daily. They Support Us – Let’s Support Them!

Happy Independence Day, have some fun, and may God bless our amazing troops and their families!

Is this a great country or what!

Martin C. Boire, is CEO of SupportOurTroops.Org, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit serving the active duty troops and their families worldwide.