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Hokkaido, Japan. (October 3, 2022): In this photo by Sergeant Kallahan Morris, Marine Corps Sgt. Ryan Lauritsen, a scout sniper with the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, fires a M107 Special Application Scoped Rifle during Exercise Resolute Dragon 22. The maneuvers are central to the U.S./Japan Alliance which stands ready to counter aggression in the South China Sea. In addition to marksmanship, Marine Scout Snipers train in land navigation, surveillance, and mission planning at Quantico, Virginia.Hokkaido, Japan. (October 3, 2022): In this photo by Sergeant Kallahan Morris, Marine Corps Sgt. Ryan Lauritsen, a scout sniper with the 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marines, fires a M107 Special Application Scoped Rifle during Exercise Resolute Dragon 22. The maneuvers are central to the U.S./Japan Alliance which stands ready to counter aggression in the South China Sea. In addition to marksmanship, Marine Scout Snipers train in land navigation, surveillance, and mission planning at Quantico, Virginia.

Hokkaido, Japan. (October 3, 2022): Their presence sends chills down the spines of enemy soldiers. They are a hidden threat, stealthy and deadly accurate “hunters of gunmen.” But there is much more to becoming a Marine Scout Sniper than excellent marksmanship.

Working in teams, Scout Snipers deliver long range precision fire on targets from concealed positions and are often the most dreaded combatants on the field. These highly skilled Marines can stalk a specific target or provide overwatch for maneuvering units while collecting vital information that often turns the tide of battle.

American Marine Scout Snipers are trained at Quantico, Virginia in an 80-day course that tests their physical and mental abilities to the maximum. To qualify, a candidate must have completed Marine Basic and Advanced Infantry training, be extremely physically fit, and must volunteer for the duty. Sniper Schools candidates are unofficially referred to as “PIGs” (Professionally Instructed Gunmen) until they pass the rigorous course where the earn the moniker “HOGs” (Hunters of Gunmen).

Sniper teams field the M107 Special Application Scoped Rifle (pictured above) and the highly destructive M107 .50 caliber rifle to take out heavily armored targets. Most units establish designated shooter/spotter teams, one locating the target using sophisticated vision and laser equipment while the shooter sends the round down range. These teams specialize in night operations using vision scopes to locate targets in sheer darkness. Sniper teams act as reconnaissance scouts for Marine infantry units becoming the eyes and ears of field commanders. In combat, Marine Scout Snipers are “force multipliers” in that one team can stall or disrupt a much larger enemy force.

Imagine the dedication it takes to become a Marine Scout Sniper and then consider pledging your support for America’s finest by contributing funds to Support Our Troops Patriot Brigade®. Here you will join thousands of patriots who make monthly donations to pay for comfort items and recreational programs for our military deployed overseas. Please go to our secure website to contribute to America’s finest today!