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A Coast Guard Station Mayport boat crew rescues five people after their 24-foot vessel capsized 11 miles offshore of Mayport, Florida, July 7, 2024. The boat crew transported the men to Mayport Boat Ramp to awaiting family members. (U.S. Coast Guard photo, courtesy Station Mayport)

Jacksonville, Florida. (July 12, 2024): The U.S. Coast Guard rescued five people after their 24-foot vessel capsized eleven miles off Florida’s coast and the unlucky sailors are fortunate to be alive. In the above photo, Coast Guard personnel throw a lifeline to the stranded mariners who were desperately clinging to their overturned craft.

Coast Guard Sector Jacksonville command center received a 911 relay from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office that a boat was in distress far offshore and needed immediate rescue. Coast Guard Station Mayport dispatched a boat crew and Guard Air Station Savannah sent a helicopter crew to assist. The stranded crew were located eleven miles offshore wearing life vests which provided time for authorities to mount a rescue. They would likely not have survived without them.

The boat crew was transported to the Mayport Boat Ramp where family members were anxiously waiting. All five were medically evaluated and were in good shape after their ordeal. The overturned boat was left adrift in the ocean and the owner must arrange for its salvage.

Coast Guard officials reminded mariners to post a float plan and to always ensure there are life vests for everyone on the boat.