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[caption id="attachment_4786" align="alignleft" width="300"]Sal_Giunta_4_MOH_065 Bravo Bulls at 11-16-2010 Reception for Medal of Honor Recipient Sal Giunta[/caption] Support Our Troops® is pleased to have played a modest background facilitative and supportive role in the reception honoring Sal Giunta following presentment of the Medal of Honor upon him in D.C. on November 16, 2010.
Following the presentment, friends and family and Sal Giunta's unit, the Bravo Bulls, gathered for a reception at the Sheraton in DC. The reception was thought up and organized by the proud and loving relatives of Sal Giunta.The role of SupportOurTroops.Org consisted of assisting in the gathering of donations in support of the event. We also made a supporting contribution toward the reception costs, and were able to facilitate the gathering of about half of those costs to assist those organizing the event. The prime mover of the reception was Mike Giunta, who did all the heavy lifting to proudly get this done for his relative and the Bravo Bulls who were returned to the U.S. in order to be able to participate in the ceremony and the reception.One of the things SupportOurTroops.Org does is act behind the scenes to bridge various gaps in many special types of situations that arise in which expertise and facilitation is needed in order to benefit members of the military. Support Our Troops Inc., provides artful, confidential, behind-the-scenes support in a variety of situations benefiting the deployed troops. The picture in this article was taken right after the Bravo Bulls very cool punch bowl ceremony at the Medal of Honor reception November 16, 2010. We had something to do with the punch bowl ceremony. One of the bravo Bulls members is going write up that and other reception events and get them to us to post. So watch for it. The thing about people like Sal Giunta is, they're actually embarrassed by all of the attention. They don't seek out public reward or approbation, and would prefer to simply keep going on about their business unpublicized. When attention or award is focused upon them to set an example for others, they accept it humbly on behalf of others they know would do the same, and then promptly go back about their business. These are what you call real men and real women. To be sure, modest as Sal Giunta is, the Bravo Bulls are all proud of their fellow soldier. America has every right to be proud of him, and we're grateful to have been able to assist in a modest background role with the event for them all.  The interesting thing about protectors and defenders like Sal Giunta is that doing good is routine for them and will remain their habit for the rest of their lives. When their military duties are done, they will come home and set about doing good works amongst and benefiting us all.  You probably won't know who they are and what they've done unless someone else tells you.  America is unique in the world, giving birth to more of this type of man and woman than any other nation. Those willing to actually step forward at risk to themselves and act for the sake of Good and Right.  And we at home in turn have a duty to keep our national house in order while are neighbors are off protecting it and doing good in the world. May God bless and watch over each and every one of our wonderful American troops. Martin C. Boire, Chairman Support Our Troops® December 11, 2010.