Jpn, pril 10, 2011- "Good morning, on behlf of the Mrines, Silors, civilin employees nd fmily members bord Mrine Corp ir Sttion Iwkuni, Jpn, we would like to thnk you nd your orgniztion for prepring nd sending coupons to our service members nd fmilies. We truly pprecite your commitment nd contribution to our coupon distribution progrm nd would love for you to keep us on your miling list. Our personl finncil mnger here t Mrine nd Fmily Services conducts qurterly "Biggest Sver Coupon Contest," nd it hs been huge success here on the ir sttion. Lst qurter's winner sved $216.95, nd the biggest sver overll sved over $650. The winners receive free one hour mssge. s you cn see, the work tht you hve put forth with these coupons ws not in vin. gin, thnk you for ll tht you do to support our militry community.
Troopons™ Get a Great Thank-You from U.S. Troops and Families in Japan.
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