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support our troops the christmas giftDecember 20, 2013- In the course of human events it is often difficult to divine the overall arrangement of things and what is to come. In the midst of chaos lies uncertainly. Each day brings earth-shifting news and unsure footing. Then comes that small act, that small deed which shines, and affodrs not just hope but certain knowledge that when one cuts through the scatter of the current milieu, the fundamentals are just fine. That bright things are yet to come.
You see, it is not the injury, but how you approach. It is not the act but the response. It is not the happening of something, but that when it happens you are not alone, the Comforter is there with you. We are in this life cast into the most wonderfully complex testing ground, proving ground, training ground. Its appearance is meant to make one have to look closely to see what drives it, to look behind it and learn the whys and wherefores so that we might have subsequent value. And so it is that Jack's donation arrived.
Jack was given a Christmas gift by his Grandmother. And from that gift Jack said he would like to donate $500 to the troops. Jack is in the 5th Grade in Ohio. The comment arriving with the donation said Jack and his entire family cannot thank the troops enough for their dedication to our freedoms. Now, pause and consider carefully what just happened. Perhaps carefully re-read the last few sentences a couple of times and let the facts sink in. This is not just a cute story to be breezed through. Jack's good deed tells us all a great deal about the condition of our fundamentals. Basic fundamentals are at work here. Things we are often encouraged to overlook in pursuit of self or immediacy. Things we often fear have receded. That Jack thinks of others shows he has an excellent moral compass. He sees we are in a contest between the darkness and the light.
To choose or to be told. To resist or be taken. Jack I think will be a leader who, whether quite or loud, others will look to for guidance in what is the Right thing to do. Jack will follow the light, be a pathfinder, gather and direct others in the right direction. When pulled off course, Jack will trend back. Jack considers the deeper issues that lie behind. He has determined that principles should guide his human actions. With young men like Jack coming up, I am refreshed and assured that good days yet lie ahead. That when the going gets tough, there are yet plenty of youth to get going and lead the way. That my children and their friends will have good company in the future. That the work of all those who came before and those who work now will be carried forth by those to come. And there are yet more things at play here, other good people. God spends a great deal of time on the importance of family; far more than on the importance of government or institutions. Jack's parents raised Jack, helping instill his core values and character. He watched them, their demeaner, their actions. Jack's donation was made online. So he had the assistance of his parents. They did not dissuade him, encourage him to worry about his future, the size of his gift, or argue his potential need for that money for something else for himself later on. They respected, honored, encouraged, supported, facilitated, Jack's decision.
A purely moral decision proceeding from the fundamental base of moral recognition. An awareness of other, and the determination to meaningfully act on it. There is more to Jack than Jack, he is part of a good family, one that focuses on the core, not the scatter, on the principles that must always drive the choices made. I would like to meet Jack. There are things I could learn from him. I feel I would be a better man for it. And in honor of Jack's gift I ask that we all ask that God Bless, watch over, and keep safe, our troops and their families. Martin C. Boire, Chairman Support Our Troops® December 20, 2013