Let's Support Them!
Remarks by Martin Boire at Press Conference at Commencement of Bike Week Celebration at Destination Daytona, March 3, 2006.
Brief summary of Support Our Troops.
About 93% of Americans are civilians, and created by civilians, Support Our Troops
® is a nationwide 501(c)3 public benefit charity focused on the troops and their families, who sacrifice to protect everyone watching this event today.
The point is simple: they support us
let's support them!

To do this we do two things. First, help provide ways that people can show their support for their amazing troops. Second, raise money to really support the troops. One major way to accomplish this is by our putting official DMV-issued
Support Our Troops motor vehicle license plates on the road across America.
Comments on the custom chopper.
Another major way is by the grace of Mr. Bruce Rossmeyer in producing the 2006 Support Our Troops Custom Harley Chopper to raffle across American for the benefit of America's troops and their families. Both of these activities enable people to show moral support. Both produce real financial support. The 2006 Support Our Troops Custom Harley Chopper will tour the top ten bike rallies across America during this year, with the drawing at the end of Biketoberfest
® in October. $10 Raffle tickets are available online at www.supportourtroops.org, and at all of the events where the Support Our Troops
® Chopper appears.
Comments on Mr. Rossmeyer's position with Support Our Troops.
But Mr. Rossmeyer did not stop there. In order to help plan even more things to benefit our troops and their families, he accepted our request to serve on the Advisory Board of Support Our Troops alongside such major American figures as the honorable and revered Sonny Montgomery, author of the most famous and appreciated Montgomery G.I. Bill. And if that were not enough Mr. Rossmeyer then agreed that the Official Gear Company, which is the official licensee of Support Our Troops biker line apparel at bike week events, could also stock the Support Our Troops product line in all of his main dealerships year round!
Introduction of Mr. Rossmeyer.
Therefore it is with the greatest appreciation and respect that I introduce the man who made this great Destination Daytona complex happen, and who, recognizing that such things are possible only because of the safe environment created by America's brave troops, has in turn made great things happen for the troops which otherwise would not have happened.
I give you "Mr. Harley-Davidson" --- Bruce Rossmeyer.