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support our troops boise idaho capital yellow ribbonsAugust 29, 2013 – Boise, Idaho: Support our Troops® was privileged to refresh the four huge yellow ribbons that adorn the Capital building in Boise, Idaho. Said SOT's Chairman Martin C. Boire, "The yellow ribbons show the troops we all know they're there, we all care about them, and that our thoughts are with them every day. Just imagine being a military kid and seeing those ribbons and knowing that indeed people really do care about your parents." Because the ribbons are on the people's house, where the people meet and decide how to live, and the troops act to protect the people and our families, it was right and proper for the people themselves to refresh and maintain the yellow ribbons through funds aggregated and donated through SOT.  When you ask a man or a women to step up to protect you, you in turn step up to look out for them and theirs.  It is the most fundamental of all duties.

The ribbons are a way to show our troops that we miss them and pray for their return soon, so it's appropriate to keep the ribbons vibrant," said Roy Eiguren, an Idaho lawyer and lobbyist who is the Idaho state coordinator for Support Our Troops. Yellow ribbons have been on the statehouse for perhaps ten years, placed during the administration of Gov. Dirk Kempthorne, and have been periodically replaced. SOT® is grateful for the kind assistance and cooperation afforded by the Administration in refreshing the ribbons. SOT® is also grateful for the assistance of our Idaho state coordinator Roy Eiguren, www.RoyEiguren.Com, in helping make this happen. Learn more about Support Our Troops® at SupportOurTroops.Org