Thinking of you during Independence Day weekend. I'd send a chilidog, tortilla chips and some BBQ brisket if I could. Thank you for your sacrifice. Thank you for protecting our freedom. Thank you for your unselfishness. Thank you for being an example to us all. ~~L. ------, Gainesville
On behalf of my husband, William, who served in the U.S.N. for 20 years (serving on seven carriers) and myself, we send our sincerest thank you to all U.S. service men and women for your dedication, discipline and service to help keep us safe. We send our blessings to each of you . Thank you. God Bless. ~~Mrs. -------, Santa Rosa, Calif.
A heartfelt thank you to all who make it possible for everyone here at home to feel safe in our beds at night. A tremendous gift of love that you have given us all! God bless you and keep you safe. ~~Penni -------, Hendersonville, N.C.
This is supposed to be a message of support. How do we really thank someone for all the risks you take everyday to keep us safe and the other people around the world safe. Never doubt how much America loves you! ~~Linda -------, Asheville, N.C.