I just want to say thank you to the many men and women who are fighting for our freedom. I pray that you all will come home safely and be reunited with your families. You are very special people and you will never be forgotten for all of your actions to help others. We love you here in North Carolina! ~~Angela L. -------, Wagram, N.C.
I am praying for you and your families. I thank you for your dedication to this great nation. I am teaching my three and four year olds about how important the military is to them. Our families are rich in military pride. Thank you so much! Blessings, love and affection sent to you. ~~Ginger ------, Birmingham, Ala.
Dear Soldier, Thank you for sacrificing your time and safety to make our lives back in the states safer. We know how hard it is to have to leave your families and the familiarity of normal life to go to a place where your life is unpredictable and unfamilliar. Thank you for making that sacrifice and standing up for the rights of us back home and for the people you have never met and may yet never meet. You are doing what we cannot, which is to serve your country in the highest possible way. Way to go!!! Good job!!! Most of all, Thank you! Be safe and careful and please come home to your families soon! ~~Liz -------, Hayes, Virginia, Va.
I just want to say thank you for what you guys and ladies do for us everyday. My husband just returned from Afgahanstan and our oldest son just returned from Iraq so i know support from the States means a lot. Stay strong and know we are thinking of you all everyday and believe in you all 100%!!!!!!!! ~~Teresa Lamb -------, Crestwood, Ky.
I want to thank all of you for the dedication you show and provide. Having spent 20 years in the Marines, I am aware of your sacrifices and am also aware of the tremendously great need that is fulfilled by your service. I continue to pray for your safety, your dedicated service, and for the support you receive from home. Keep up the good work and God Bless you all. ~~Glenn -------, Sumter, S.C.