My Husband and I and our son want to thank you for your courage and devotion to our freedoms and for helping to bring that freedom to others.You do what most would be afraid to do and that is truly what makes you our HEROES. Sincerely, The Willich family, USA. ~~Tiana -------, Loveland, Colo.
Hi there...I am currently serving Active Duty Air Force. I just got back from my first deployment to the Middle East in July. I just want you to know that we are here thinking and praying for you and your families....Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Come home safely..... Sincerely, Your fellow service member ~~A1C Colleen ------, Sacramento, Calif.
Please do not think that you have been forgotten by those of us at home. I am very proud of you and your work and pray daily for your safe return home to your family and friends. I grew up as an Army brat and I know the difficulties faced by our military and their families. God bless you all and God bless America. ~~Pat ------, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Thank you for serving our country and risking your lives for my freedom and that of my family. May God guide and protect you in all that you do. ~~Jill ------, Martinez, Calif.
I'm forever humbled by your dedication and sacrifice. Thank you for protecting and defending your country. You're all in my prayers. ~~Cheri -------, Fisherville, Ky.
I just want to say thank you and God Bless you all for all of the sacrifices you make for our great country. We are so proud of all you do!! ~~Chris -------, Hopewell Junction, N.Y.