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Support Our Troops, Inc. Announces the Addition of Arkansas Middleweight World Champion Jermain Taylor to the Heroes Board of Support Our Troops®
Greenbrier, AR August, 9, 2006: Support Our Troops, Inc. is pleased to announce the addition of Arkansas Middleweight World Champion Jermain Taylor to the Heroes Board of Support Our Troops.
Born in Arkansas on August 11, 1978, Jermain Taylor worked his way up the ladder from poverty to becoming a world champion boxer. Known as Jermain "Bad Intentions" Taylor in the world of boxing, outside of a fight, he is anything but bad. Taylor exemplifies true American valuesa hard work ethic, a down-to-earth personality, honesty, and of course, talentto the watching world. He is a role model anyone could be proud to look up too. When asked to join the Heroes Board, Taylor enthusiastically agreed. "I am proud to be associated with an effort to help the families of the soldiers who defend our freedoms," Taylor said. Arkansas Support Our Troops is excited about Taylor's support. "Jermain is a wonderful human being, as well as a talented athlete; and his involvement will be a strong asset to Support Our Troops," said Marvin Parks, Arkansas State Coordinator of Support Our Troops, Inc. Support Our Troops, Inc. is a nationwide nonprofit public purpose charitable organization provides a permanent private vehicle through which citizens can directly help preserve the integrity of the families of the troops protecting all of us post September 11, 2001. Sales of the Support Our Troops plate will allow people to publicly state their support for their troops, and provide a means of raising patriotic private money to bolster the troops and families who are sacrificing to protect all of us. Funds from the Arkansas Support Our Troops license plate and other activities of SOT will help keep the troops families intact while their parent(s) are engaged in protecting our families, whether it is a peacekeeping mission, a war, or a hurricane, flood, or other disaster. It is going to help pay for education, medical, home needs, emergency transportation, and the like -- the kinds of things that dad or mom could do if they were home. The Support Our Troops license plate has been approved and Arkansans will be able to purchase the plate later this fall. "We are excited about the interest Support Our Troops®is generating in Arkansas," said Marvin Parks, "and we are proud to have Jermain Taylor as a part of our organization." For more information on how you can help our troops, or to learn more about Support Our Troops, please visit our website at www.supportourtroops.org.- Details
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Introducing the Support Our Troops® Custom Harley-Davidson® Chopper Raffle to benefit the troops and their families.
Support Our Troops Custom Harley-Davidson Chopper Daytona Beach, FL, March 23, 2006: Bruce Rossmeyer, CEO of Daytona Harley-Davidson, Inc. and Martin Boire, Chairman of Support Our Troops, Inc. announced that they are participating in the Orlando Magic Seats for Soldiers night game on March 31, 2006.

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Let's Support Them!
Remarks by Martin Boire at Press Conference at Commencement of Bike Week Celebration at Destination Daytona, March 3, 2006.
Brief summary of Support Our Troops.
About 93% of Americans are civilians, and created by civilians, Support Our Troops® is a nationwide 501(c)3 public benefit charity focused on the troops and their families, who sacrifice to protect everyone watching this event today. The point is simple: they support us let's support them!
Comments on the custom chopper.
Another major way is by the grace of Mr. Bruce Rossmeyer in producing the 2006 Support Our Troops Custom Harley Chopper to raffle across American for the benefit of America's troops and their families. Both of these activities enable people to show moral support. Both produce real financial support. The 2006 Support Our Troops Custom Harley Chopper will tour the top ten bike rallies across America during this year, with the drawing at the end of Biketoberfest® in October. $10 Raffle tickets are available online at www.supportourtroops.org, and at all of the events where the Support Our Troops® Chopper appears.Comments on Mr. Rossmeyer's position with Support Our Troops.
But Mr. Rossmeyer did not stop there. In order to help plan even more things to benefit our troops and their families, he accepted our request to serve on the Advisory Board of Support Our Troops alongside such major American figures as the honorable and revered Sonny Montgomery, author of the most famous and appreciated Montgomery G.I. Bill. And if that were not enough Mr. Rossmeyer then agreed that the Official Gear Company, which is the official licensee of Support Our Troops biker line apparel at bike week events, could also stock the Support Our Troops product line in all of his main dealerships year round!Introduction of Mr. Rossmeyer.
Therefore it is with the greatest appreciation and respect that I introduce the man who made this great Destination Daytona complex happen, and who, recognizing that such things are possible only because of the safe environment created by America's brave troops, has in turn made great things happen for the troops which otherwise would not have happened. I give you "Mr. Harley-Davidson" --- Bruce Rossmeyer.- Details
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Support Our Troops® Biker Apparel Line Licensed by The Official Gear Company
Introducing the Support Our Troops® biker clothing and merchandise line to benefit the troops and their families.
Daytona Beach, FL, March 1, 2006: Martin Boire, Chairman of Support Our Troops, Inc. announced today that the Official Gear Company will be an official licensee of Support Our Troops biker apparel and merchandise. During bike week 2006 in Daytona Beach, Florida, Official Gear Company launched the first of a series of t-shirts, pins, patches and various other SOT® merchandise that will be featured at bike events and retail outlets to benefit the troops and their families. [caption id="attachment_4976" align="alignleft" width="142"]

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"The motorcycling industry knows Bruce as a phenomenal businessman who started his first Harley-Davidson® dealership in 1994, growing it into multiple dealerships with annual sales exceeding $140 million. What's even more important is what motorcyclists, kids and the citizens of Florida think about Bruce, who, in spite of the overwhelming task of operating a huge business, always makes time to help kids and families in need."Support Our Troops chairman, Martin C. Boire, in January presented Bruce the opportunity to join with the Honorable Sonny Montgomery, author of the Montgomery G.I. Bill, as one of the first members giving service on the Heroes Board. Bruce readily accepted, and following up by agreeing to help build the first Support Our Troops Custom Harley Chopper. [caption id="attachment_4982" align="alignright" width="208"]

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Twenty-two-year-old Cpl. Tasha M. Monz is on her third deployment to the Middle East. Monz, assigned to Combat Logistics Battalion 8, 2nd Marine Logistics Group (Forward) serves as the battalion commander's radio operator. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Heidi E. Loredo[/caption]
"I love it," said the 22-year-old, referring to the weekly convoys she rides in. "We went on two convoys yesterday. I thought it was going to be an issue out here at first because I thought they weren't going to let females off base. As long as I know what I'm doing I'm not worried about it."
When this deployment is complete Monz will have spent just under two years in the Middle East in the course of three years; two months in Kuwait and 20 months total in Iraq.
"I like being deployed," said Monz with a smile. "Honestly, the whole purpose of me coming back here is for the junior Marines. I don't mind being out here. It's not a big emotional thing for me. I just make sure my Marines are ready to go and give them a heads-up on what to expect out here."
A wealth of knowledge and experience gave Monz an advantage, and she was able to walk into this deployment ready to take charge.
"Corporal Monz is one of the best radio operator/communicators that I have worked with in 23 years," said Lt. Col. Francis X. Carroll, commanding officer, CLB-8.
"As a noncommissioned officer, she seeks responsibility and looking out for other members of the vehicle crew and the platoon," he added. "The fact that she is on her third tour in Iraq and she has orders to 1st Marine Logistics Group (which means she will likely be back for a fourth tour), speaks volumes about her dedication."
The blue-eyed corporal is confident in her military occupational specialty proficiency and she's certain that is the reason why she holds the position on the commander's security team.
"In September 2005, the battalion S-6 told me that he was giving me his best communicator as my radio operator," said Carroll. "Cpl. Monz has exceeded all expectations. Particulary when operating outside the wire. (She) facilitates my ability to command and control the battalion operating across a large battlespace."
During the December Iraqi national elections, the battalion had six different units operating in and around the cities of Fallujah, Kharmah, Ameriyah and Ferris. Monz opened the lines of communication resulting in situational awareness and ability to influence the battalion's operations.
"I can take someone outside and show them the ins and outs of a piece of equipment," said Monz with confidence. "I think that's a good quality to have. I want these Marines to take back with them the MOS knowledge that'll get them further. If they know the job when they come out here they can teach someone else."
But the enjoyment of her deployment was abruptly overshadowed three months into her tour. Monz received word that her 42-year-old mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
"It seems that every time I come out here something happens to my mom," said Monz. "It was hard and I worried, but I knew my mom was a strong person and my step dad and sister were taking good care of her. She reassured me she was going to stick through it and she'd be fine."
Monz secluded herself from others to find relief after she received news of her ill mother.
"When I first found out I didn't want to be around anybody," said Monz. "I figured I'd lay low for a while. She's good now. She had surgery and radiation to remove most of the cancer."
Although her mother was fighting a personal war against cancer, Monz refused to let it dampen her spirit and instead focused on her mission here in Iraq. Upon her return, Monz plans on treating her mother on a trip to Las Vegas.
"We're more like best friends, and I definitely look up to her," said Monz. "We're big Jean Claude Van Damme fans, and when I went on leave I bought every movie there ever was with him. I think we only got through two of them. She looked fine and was doing well. I still talk to her every single day."
After three tours in the Middle East and various obstacles she overcame while deployed, Monz plans on a future deployment and also hopes to be a career Marine.
"I think retiring at 38 sounds really good," said Monz.

- U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Victor Fermin New Yorker Tackles New Army
- U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Leonard Murray Sergeant Keeps Marines, Computers Talking
- U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Bonnie McKinley Airman Saves Career through Yoga
- The Honorable Sonny Montgomery Joins the Heroes Board of Support Our Troops
- Staff Sgt. Barrett Kahl & Lance Cpl. Christopher Fallen Recruiter, Recruitee Reminisce in Iraq
- U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Russell Bridges Marine Travels the World through Corps