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A check presented to Support Our Troops®TAMPA, recently – Mike Howe, the co-owner of Tampa Humidor, a cigar shop in Tampa, noticed something interesting about sales at his store. In addition to the regular customers around the area, he was getting a lot of troops - former servicemen and women, and veterans of recent wars and military service persons. In fact, so many service members were coming into the store and buying cigars online that he decided to memorialize them. "They're a part of our customer base," he said, "We have a lot of current and ex-military folks and customers. We get a lot of pictures from guys that are on active duty - flags and stuff too - so we put those up on the wall. We call it the wall of honor." The interactions with these men and women spurred Howe to do something more than just put up pictures.
Read more: Tampa Humidor raises money for Support Our Troops
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U.S. Soldier shows off care packageRecently, Afghanistan - Master Sergeant James -- works with the deployed 72nd Medical Detachment (VSS). They are a small unit that handles all the veterinary treatment and food inspection for working soldiers. Support Our Troops sent care packages to the soldiers, and James provided us with photos of his fellow troops enjoying some rare treats from home. The packages, he said, brought smiles and cheer to his fellow soldiers.
Here is Master Sergeant James --’s letter: SOT Group, I would like to thank you for bringing a little piece of home to our unit during our deployment. We are a small dispersed unit that conducts all the veterinary treatment and food inspection in theater.
We received your package last week and have disbursed throughout the theater to our other sites and I have asked for more pics. If they come in I will surely pass them along to your organization and thank you again for the support and smiles you bring.
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A damaged U.S. Army helicopter rests on the desk of the USNS Red Cloud off Okinawa island, southern Japan, in this photo taken by Kyodo August 12, 2015. REUTERS/KyodoTOKYO, Wednesday - Our troops and soldiers do a dangerous job, but an important one. They work to protect our freedoms and way of life. Here at Support Our Troops® we sometimes get the honor and privilege of sharing stories from deployed military members. Recently, we shared some messages from Okinawa.
Unfortunately, it isn't always good news. Early Wednesday morning, according to an NBC news report, a helicopter crash landed near Okinawa on Wednesday, injuring seven people. It was a UH-60 Black Hawk aircraft, performing a "hard-deck landing" on the USNS Red Cloud. Footage showed the chopper with part of its tail broken off.
Read more: U.S. Military helicopter crashes near Okinawa, soldiers injured
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From time to time, we get requests for care packages from soldiers stationed all over the world. Nothing gives us more joy than being able to provide small comforts for our deployed brothers and sisters, however, we can't do it without your help and donations.
Special Purpose MAGTF SCCaptain Dan -- is a logistics officer for a Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force, currently stationed in Central America. The unit, originally from North Carolina, consists of "more than 250 Marines spread across 4 countries," and trains local soldiers in counter drug and trafficking operations.
Captain Dan writes that he has the capacity to send care packages to all of the Marines in the area. Morale is important to him, he said, and nothing builds morale like care packages from strangers back home.
He writes:
"Some of our folks are in pretty austere locations and accessible only by helicopter. I would like to inquire what I need to do to get Care packages for these Marines. As we all know mail means morale; and care packages from strangers back home have always been the most morale building of all."
Please donate to the hard working men and women stationed overseas.
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Sometimes people hear about our organization, do some research, and then get right to work for the troops.
This happened recently with Nicole Jones, a Regional Operations Director at Red Robin. She heard about Support Our Troops®, decided the organization was to her liking, and wanted to get involved. What happened next, however, was truly surprising. A Red Robin employee poses with donations collected at a Red Robin."Our division really wanted to help make a difference in our community," Nicole said. "We are such a large organization and we thought we could get all of our restaurants involved in something that was important to many." Nicole got 42 restaurants involved with collecting donations.
"We had each restaurant get a large box that they decked out with fun decorations (i.e. camouflage paper, Armed Force medallions, American flags etc). They put out the large boxes for both guest and team members to donate," she said. "We added a list of items needed that we found on the website.
After that we just talked to people about what we were doing and why. It took little effort and brought back so much more."
So how much was collected? Stay tuned to our blog to find out!
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Special needs adults cutting troopons. Photo courtesy of center.There are a multitude of ways to help the troops, and one of the easiest is by sending them troopons. Recently, a group of special needs adults at Building Blocks Ministries did just that.
As part of a health and wellness class at the center, the adults learned about cutting coupons and saving money on the various items they needed to purchase. They noticed a surplus of coupons, and came up with an idea: troopons!